logótipo Super Bock

Tens mais de 18 anos?

The Super Bock Group Citizen

Our active citizenship responsibilities challenge us to deepen our dialogue with communities and to open new horizons to civic dimensions.


Thousands of Euros invested in the Community


Product Donations to the Community (mL)

Culture and Creativity

We also excel in Culture and Arts as the Patron of two universally known Portuguese institutions: Fundação de Serralves and Casa da Música.

In events like Serralves em Luz and Serralves em Festa and at Casa da Música, Super Bock Unlock, and Outono em Jazz, we are at the forefront in creating opportunities for new artists, introducing emerging projects, and approaching new trends and movements.

There are multiple Super Bock Group approaches and initiatives in this area, which involve collaborations with well-known artists and the promotion of emerging values. A commitment that is visible on the façade of our automated warehouse in Leça do Balio, where you will find one of the largest murals in the country.

This place is inseparable from the Super Bock brand, particularly under the Coruja product line, whose identity is built around street art culture as a form of artistic and social expression.

Super Bock is the brand that is mostly associated with Music in Portugal. The first Super Bock Super Rock dates back to 1995. An iconic place to co-create and become socially involved.

Through its own initiatives and active participation in many festivals in Portugal and around the world – such as Super Bock em Stock and the Montreux Jazz Festival – the Super Bock Group makes a difference. By supporting new talents and projects. By influencing positive change. By giving the stage to the expression of emotions always suggesting good encounters.

Education and Entrepreneurship

We are compassionate investors. This civic commitment is achievable, among other examples, through Social Grants that allow for youngsters from economically vulnerable families to pursue their education.

We have extended our cooperation to volunteering aiming at the development of students who stand out due to their school performance – but lack financial means – through vocational and professional guidance, citizenship, and universal culture.

Encouraging creative and social entrepreneurship and fostering the generation of ideas and innovative businesses in the Tourism sector. For all of this, we developed Tomorrow Tourism Leaders Super Edition, an initiative of Associação Fórum Turismo (Tourism Forum Association) with the support of Turismo de Portugal. After the TTL Super Edition HORECA, in 2021, which involved the restaurant and beverage sector, following Nature Tourism, the first Super Edition, in 2020.

The Super Bock Group strengthens its commitment to attracting and maintaining talent by integrating a group of companies that have signed the Pact for More and Better Jobs for Young People promoted by the José Neves Foundation. Through this partnership, with 2026 as the threshold, we undertake the commitment to achieve employment goals that will ensure quality jobs and opportunities for development and training.

With the High Patronage of the President of Portugal and promoted together with the Government through the office of the Secretary of State for Employment, this initiative – which considers young people up to, and including, the age of 29 – intends to lead to a real change in the current context of vulnerability associated with the employment of young people in Portugal.

This project intends to convey the good practices and knowledge of the business world in schools and also implement measures against dropping out of school and change the reference models for new generations.

Super Bock Group professionals play a role in supporting school management by providing advice on fields like Human Resources and Marketing. But also in encouraging a culture of entrepreneurship, creativity, and innovation, and in the professional guidance of pupils.

Ten scholarships are currently awarded for Junior University, a project organised by Universidade do Porto, which aims at introducing pupils in Key Stages 2 and 3 as well as Secondary School to the university environment. The idea is to introduce the several faculties at Universidade do Porto and the different research centres.

Supporting Communities

Super Bock Group employees give their time, knowledge, and creativity to educational, social, and environmental initiatives. This is an active body of volunteers supporting big campaigns while also boosting local charity projects.

We defend causes (on an individual basis or together with the sector’s associations) and respond to different requests for help by donating products, mobilising teams, and sharing means and information for the purpose of research and development.

In a profitless project associated with the Pedras brand, Dar de Volta is an online platform calling to action, which appeared in 2019 as a means to challenge consumers to give back to Nature for all it gives us.

Either through volunteering actions or supporting the projects of Portuguese associations, Dar de Volta has enabled, so far, the planting of thousands of trees in Pedras Salgadas, a control of invasive species in Mata da Machada, and forest management works in Valpaços in order to prevent fire.

In 2020, with the pandemic, it temporarily became Dar a Volta por Todos (turning it around for all).
Because that is the nature of this project: (re)acting.

We acknowledge its importance in promoting a healthy lifestyle and as a factor for inclusion, diversity, and social identification, which explains our brands being associated with relevant initiatives.

With Vitalis, we follow those who give their all every single day by sponsoring the Portuguese Athletics Federation, for instance.

In regard to the popular sports, we have followed football for a long time with Super Bock as a sponsor for the main teams and the Portuguese League.

We also encourage other sports to grow in the country, namely with the promotion of Padel.

Our involvement with the communities brings us closer to local association movements. Mostly in the regions where Super Bock Group’s premises are located, supporting communities gives humanity, social, and sporting initiatives a bigger reach.

  • Sports: Vidago FC and Juventude de Pedras FC
  • Museums: Soares dos Reis Museum, CCB, Casa da Arquitetura

Regardless of the time of the year, we promote and support events around the country calling for everyone to get together, to unite, and celebrate. These are festivals taking place at the beach, in squares, or public parks. These are the Saints or New Year’s Eve. These are street, art, and gastronomy festivals. These are fairs, cultural, and historical initiatives such as the medieval recreation of Hospitalários a Caminho de Santiago in Leça do Balio. And these are also and forever the moments where we are all rooting for Portugal.