logótipo Super Bock

Tens mais de 18 anos?

We are on the way

From our study of total carbon footprint, we will be closer to total neutrality of the chain of value.

In our sustainable schedule, priorities include the decarbonisation of the beer factory in Leça do Balio – with the year 2028 on the horizon – and providing to the community the surplus of energy produced within a ratio of 4km (2 miles) of our premises.

The Route to Decarbonisation incorporates Suber Bock Group’s culture of sustainability (ESG criteria – Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance). It supports the energy transition and contributes to the fulfilment of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDG 7 and 13).

17 million €

We foresee an investment of approximately 17 million Euros by 2028-30.

  • Partly connected to the replacement of Electricity – which represents a third of our energy consumption – with Solar Energy.
  • And the remaining investment is connected to the change in the generation of thermal energy (two thirds of the company’s energy consumption) replacing Natural Gas with a source of Green Thermal Energy, hence contributing to a decrease in CO2 emissions.

This will allow for us to reach neutrality (scope 1 and scope 2): first in the beer factory,
in 2028; in the other Group units (Pedras Salgadas, Vidago, Castelo de Vide, and Envendos), in 2030.

But this route also includes a contribution to neutrality in the chain of value. So we are studying the total carbon footprint (including scope 3).


Twenty thousand solar panels installed (comprising all the Group’s units):

  • A total area over 60,000m2 (equivalent to six football fields)
  • The decrease in emissions will exceed three thousand tons of CO2 per year

These solar panels will be mostly installed in Matosinhos (Leça do Balio), where the company’s headquarters and the beer factory are based, since it is the best in class regarding energy efficiency, quality, and services.
This investment is also extended to the other industrial units in the Group, in Pedras Salgadas, Vidago, Castelo de Vide, and Envendos.

Twenty thousand solar panels installed

  • A project with a significant impact that also includes policies and solutions for the district to achieve carbon neutrality by 2030. With this commitment we undertake with the municipality and community in this geographical location, we are counting on the support of local companies working in the field of sustainability.


The set of solar panels installed by the Super Bock Group in Matosinhos (factory and adjoined lands) will produce the following:

Pedras Salgadas

Pedras Salgadas